Proximity and Touch Detection

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Proximity and Touch Detection

For live or dead overhead and underground power lines

  • For use on live or dead overhead and underground power lines
  • From 110 V to 220 kV
  • Trusted by electricity industry professionals for over 40 years


The Modiewark is a non-contact voltage tester which detects the presence of an alternating electric or electromagnetic field as both a proximity and touch device. Firstly, as a proximity device to determine live or dead situations and secondly as a touch device to verify the tester has physically reached the field around designated mains under test. The Modiewark can also be used indoors, tracing voltage sources from power distribution boards and cable fault detection.

The unique Modiewark sensor allows for directional checks such as checking LV when HV is nearby. Induced voltages on isolated conductors can also be checked by adjusting the sensitivity. Its unique switching action allows for the identification of alternating currents at a distance between 200 mm and 300 mm from a voltage source from 110 V to 220 kV.

Detecting distance of a 230 V single live wire is approximately 100 mm and with a bunched neutral and earth, as a flexible cable, the distance is 50 mm.

Typical uses include:

  • Identifying live conductors
  • Fault finding in flexible cables
  • Checking equipment grounding
  • Neon lighting servicing
  • Tracking live wires above and below ground at URD test points
  • Phasing conductors
  • High frequency radiation detection.

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