GridKey LV Network Monitoring System

Unlocking the smart grid!

Increasingly Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) are adding automation and monitoring systems to their networks to increase efficiency, manage distributed energy sources and to restore faults more quickly. As a result, the amount of data being generated and collected by companies is increasing exponentially.

Low voltage monitoring allows DNOs to view what is happening on the last mile of their network. Our brand partner Lucy Electric’s LV monitoring system, GridKey, has alone generated over 100 billion data points to date. To be meaningful and valuable this data needs to be stored, analysed and presented in a way that is actionable and easy to understand. Data analytics is a specialised area that Hiko can assist networks with through the GridKey system.

GridKey is a purpose-designed LV network monitoring system that can be live-retrofitted to the LV substation feeders without interrupting supply to customers. It provides continuous remote monitoring and real time warnings, status and load information. The GridKey system is quick and easy to install and configure, so it can be readily relocated to substations of seasonal or temporary interest.

The GridKey system provides DNOs with information to drive LV network planning and decision-making, so they can make better informed decisions: predicting and preventing failures, diagnosing fault events, deferring capital costs, directing and reducing maintenance costs and improving their knowledge of the state of the LV network. Customer service improvements are enabled by real time identification and location of faults.

The system comprises up to 20 current sensors, a Metrology and Communications Unit (MCU318) and a simple browser-based user web portal for data visualisation and analysis. The MCU includes an integrated GSM/GPRS radio that communicates data to a web site or any existing communications and data management system via a standard interface. The system integrates with existing interfaces and legacy systems and can be wirelessly upgraded for future expansion and other monitoring needs. GridKey requires no calibration: installation can be checked simply on site using a smartphone, and is maintenance-free.

The GridKey system includes a family of high-accuracy current sensors that are quick and easy to install without the need to disconnect power. With the MCU, the sensors form part of the innovative GridKey Low Voltage Substation Monitoring System. 

DS0139 Data Centre Datasheet 2021

DS0128 MCU318 Datasheet 2021

DS0129 SlimSensor Datasheet 2021

Other literature available on request

Reports, drawings, technical data sheets, installation instructions, O&M guidelines